The Avengers are Earth's Mightiest Heroes, formed to fight the enemy. The Avengers is a team of superheroes that appeared in Marvel Comics in 1963. Thor Iron Man Captain America Black Widow from the Avengers Heroes of Tomorrow - Marvel comics coloring pages The Hulk Abomination Angry Abomination Hulk's Incredible Strength Hulk fights with Abomination Hulk Destroyer Hulk Stomps on Car Hulk Muscles The Leader Hulk's Punch Hulk Lifts Barrel Hulk Holds on Strong Hulk Lifts Boulder Hulk Danger Hulk Destroys Tank Hulk Forces Open the Door Hulk and Abomination The Leader Supervillian Hulk Removes Cars Hulk Lifts Car Furious Hulk Hulk destroying a helicopter The Avengers IRON MAN coloring pages THE INCREDIBLE HULK coloring pages AVENGERS find the differences Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers - Prisoner of War S2/E10 The Avengers - Nightmare in Red S2/E9 The Avengers - Alone Against A I M S2/E2 The Avengers - Ultron Unlimited S2/E17 The Avengers - The Avengers Assemble S1/E1 The Avengers - The Avengers Assemble S2/E26 The Avengers - The Deadliest Man Alive S2/E22 The Avengers - Secret Invasion S2/E12 The Avengers - Season 2 Episode 23 - New Avengers Avengers 2 Trailer : Meet Ultron.